Fire Officer II (PILOT)

Instructional Hours: 32.00
This course has a Canvas component which requires internet access.
This course includes sessions using the MFRI Simulation Center.

Course Objective: To provide students with the knowledge, skills and abilities to function as an entry-level company officer. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to effectively manage human resources, community/public relations, fire department organization and administration, including budgets, reports, and planning; fire inspection, investigation, public education, and emergency service delivery; and safety.

Course Description: Major topics covered in this course are human resource management; managing affirmative action; government agencies; supervisor and subordinate interaction; the budgetary process; information management systems; health and safety; fire safety inspection; public fire education; specialized fire protection equipment; organizational communications; strategic planning; and tactics. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion, online learning activities and team-focused practical exercises.

Successful Completion: Students must attend required classroom sessions, complete all required online and classroom activities and homework assignments, demonstrate proficiency in the practical skills evolutions, and obtain a score of 70% or better on the final practical examinations.

*This course partially satisfies the professional certification requirements for Fire Officer II.


MFRI Fire Officer I (MGMT 201), or MFSPQB, NBFSPQ, or IFSAC Fire Officer I certification. It is suggested that a minimum of one year of experience at the Fire Officer I level be completed before enrolling in this program.

Fire Officer II (PILOT)

Instructional Hours: 32.00
This course has a Canvas component which requires internet access.
This course includes sessions using the MFRI Simulation Center.
Start Date: 04-01-2025
End Date: 05-06-2025
First Class Time: 19:00 - 22:00
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Registration Open: 11-18-2024
Registration Close: 03-18-2025
Jacksonville Volunteer Fire Company
Register at:
Coordinated by: North East. For questions contact:
Start Date: 04-02-2025
End Date: 05-07-2025
First Class Time: 19:00 - 22:00
Mondays and Wednesdays
Registration Open: 05-08-2024
Registration Close: 03-13-2025
Frederick County Training Center
Register at:
Coordinated by: North Central. For questions contact:
Start Date: 04-15-2025
End Date: 05-27-2025
First Class Time: 19:00 - 22:00
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
Registration Open: 01-18-2025
Registration Close: 03-26-2025
Mechanicsville Volunteer Fire Department Inc. - Co. 2
Register at:
Coordinated by: Southern Maryland. For questions contact:
Start Date: 04-21-2025
End Date: 05-29-2025
First Class Time: 18:30 - 21:30
Mondays and Thursdays
Registration Open: 11-05-2024
Registration Close: 04-01-2025
Washington County Public Safety Training Center
Register at:
Coordinated by: Western Maryland. For questions contact:
Start Date: 04-22-2025
End Date: 05-27-2025
First Class Time: 19:00 - 22:00
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Registration Open: 05-08-2024
Registration Close: 04-02-2025
Carroll County Public Safety Training Center
Register at:
Coordinated by: North Central. For questions contact: