Decision-Making for Initial Company Operations

Instructional Hours: 16.00
This course has a Canvas component which requires internet access.

Course Description: "Decision-Making for Initial Company Operations" (DMICO) is designed to develop the decision-making skills needed by Company Officers (COs) to accomplish assigned tactics at structure fires. Activities and scenarios are used in this course and are based on structure fires. The students will participate in a walkthrough activity followed by one or more small group, scenario-driven activities for each area covered. Target Audience: The DMICO course is appropriate for newly appointed COs, firefighters who may have acting CO responsibilities, and firefighters who want to become COs. Students should possess the ability to read and comprehend standard construction plot plans, have pre-existing knowledge of building construction types and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes.


All National Fire Academy courses recommend prospective students complete NFA ICS-100 (Q0462) and ICS-200 (Q0463) online self-study courses prior to enrollment. These courses, along with other free training, can be accessed through the U.S. Fire Administration's website at:



Start Time:
End Time:

Coordinated by: the MFRI Office. If you have any questions about the course, you are welcome to contact them by email at:

If you require special accommodations please send your requirements to: or you may call 301-226-9900 or 1-800-275-6374.