Technical Rescue: Trench Rescue Technician (PILOT)
Requires Medical Clearance
Must be submitted prior to the first class session.
Instructional Hours: 33.00
This course has a Canvas component which requires internet access.
Course Description: This course covers skills needed to manage and affect rescues in intersecting trenches and trenches deeper than 8 feet. Major topics covered include lifting mechanics and techniques; load stabilization; load planning; overhead, bridge, and bipod lifts; coordinating the use of heavy equipment; shoring intersection trenches; shoring deep trenches; and using supplemental and spot shoring.
Successful Completion: Students must attend required classroom sessions, complete all assigned online and classroom activities and homework assignments, and obtain a score of 70% or better on all written and practical examinations.
MFRI Technical Rescue: Trench Rescue Operations (RES 105) or MFSPQB, NBFSPQ, or IFSAC Trench Rescue Operations certification.