Teaching Strategies for Introverted Learners (MICRB #305) - 3 hrs

Instructional Hours: 3.00

Teaching Strategies for Introverted Learners will acquaint fire department instructors with the unique characteristics of introverted students, their strengths and weaknesses, and unique learning styles. Learning strategies and best practices will be demonstrated and applied for enhanced learning outcomes in the classroom.

Teaching Strategies for Introverted Learners (MICRB #305) - 3 hrs

Instructional Hours: 3.00
Date: 02-10-2025 Time: 08:00 - 11:00
Registration Open: 12-11-2024
Registration Close: 01-21-2025
Stevenson University Greenspring Satellite Campus
Register at: https://www.mfri.org/register/PDI-271-S002-2025
Coordinated by: North East. For questions contact: necontact@mfri.org