Fire Department Incident Safety Officer

Instructional Hours: 30.00
This course has a Canvas component which requires internet access.

Course Objective: To provide students with the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to function as an incident safety officer.

Course Description: Major topics covered include risk management principles, environmental and physiological hazards, building construction and utility hazards, recognizing critical incident stress, reading smoke, fire development hazards, incident communications, conducting a scene survey, vehicle incident management, incident operations, helicopter landing zones, accident investigation, commercial fire hazards, hazardous materials, technical rescue incidents, and mass casualty incidents. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion, learner presentations, small group learning activities, and team-focused practical exercises.

Successful Completion: Students must attend required classroom sessions, demonstrate proficiency in the practical skills evolutions, complete all required online and classroom activities and homework assignments, and obtain a score of 70% or better on the final project.

*This course partially satisfies the professional certification requirements for Incident Safety Officer-Fire Suppression, Incident Safety Officer - Technical Rescue, Incident Safety Officer - Hazardous Materials Operations, and/or Incident Safety Officer.


MFRI Fire Officer I (MGMT 201), or MFSPQB, NBFSPQ, or IFSAC Fire Officer I certification.



Start Time:
End Time:

Coordinated by: the MFRI Office. If you have any questions about the course, you are welcome to contact them by email at:

If you require special accommodations please send your requirements to: or you may call 301-226-9900 or 1-800-275-6374.

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